

Picture - A bus full of creepy-crawlies going on holiday

Little creepy-crawlies are the little animals that little girls hate! These include spiders, earwigs, centipedes, worms, slugs, fleas, maggots and cockroaches. And, all creepy crawlies have many things in common. They are not only revolting, they are disgusting, hideous, repugnant, repulsive and horrid! And, their homes are horrible, too.

And, little creepy-crawlies live everywhere! Creepy-crawlies can be found on the top of our cupboards, beneath and behind our fridges and stoves, and they feel just fine in our beds! Creepy crawlies are everywhere. And, they like our food, too!

We can find them in sugar, fruit, and vegetables, too.   So, why do little girls hate them?  Creepy Crawlies are very good friends.


behind – hinter
beneath - unterhalb
centipedes - Tausendfüßler
cockroaches – Kakerlaken
creepy-crawlies – Krabbentierchen
cupboards – Schränke
disgusting – abscheulich
earwigs - Ohrwurm
everywhere – überall
fleas – Floh
fridges – Kühlschränke
fruit - Obst
hate – hassen
hideous – scheußlich
horrid – fürchterlich
in common – gemeinsames
maggots - Larve
repugnant - widerlich
repulsive – abstoßend
revolting - widerlich
slugs – Nacktschnecken
spiders - Spinner
stoves - Herd
top – oben
vegetables – Gemüse

Why do little girls hate creepy-crawlies?
What is your favourite creepy-crawly?
Why are cockroaches revolting?
Where do creepy-crawlies live?
Which creepy-crawlies like apples and fruits?
Where do slugs live?
Which creepy-crawlies live beneath the stove?

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...