Simon McCoon and a Nice Little Mouse

Simon McCoon is very unhappy. His mother is very, very angry. Why is Simon McCoon's mother so angry? Simon McCoon was very, very naughty. He put a horrible mouse in Florentine's picnic.

And, what did the little mouse do?
It escaped when Florentine opened her picnic.

And, what did Florentine do?
She laughed and said it was funny.

And, what did Simon McCoon do?
He said sorry, and gave Florentine a piece of his chocolate.

Simon McCoon - What a nice little boy.


angry -
escaped -
horrible -
laughed -
naughty -
piece -


Why is Simon McCoon very unhappy?
And, why is Simon McCoon's mother so angry?
What did Simon McCoon do?
What did Florentine say?
Was she unhappy?
What did Simon McCoon do to say sorry?
Is Simon McCoon a nice little boy?

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  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...