Number 66


This is family Brown.

Are they (a) in the Stadtpark in Vienna, or (b) sitting by the Wienfluss in Hietzing?

Where are they going for lunch?

Where do the Browns live?

Is their house big or small?

What are the girls' names?

How old are they?

Why do the girls like horse riding?

What is Mr. Brown's job?

Is Mrs Brown a teacher or a florist?

Where are the Browns going for their holiday this year?

Why do you like the mountains of Austria?

Is the Großglockner in Burgenland or Corinthia?


Number 65


Where are we? In Upper Austria or Vienna?

Are we at a wedding or a farmers' party?

This family has arrived on their trailer.  Are these people teachers or farmers?

How many people in this family?

Is the man in the Lederhosen and red t-shirt a Bademeister or a Red Cross worker?

Why do you enjoy going to weddings?

What are your favourite farm animals?

Why do you like pigs?

Why does your sister like cows?

Where are you going this summer?

Why do you like hiking in the mountains?

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...