John's Garden - A wonderful place for relaxing and working

Lexmatica – Gardening

John's hobby is gardening. John has a very nice garden. Flowers, fruits, and vegetables grow in his garden.

John has many garden tools. He has a lawnmower, a spade, a garden fork, a rake, and a wheelbarrow.

John uses his lawnmower to cut the lawn, his spade to dig in his vegetable patch, his rake to rake up the leaves in the autumn, and his fork to work in his flower beds.

John loves his garden. His carrots and potatoes are the best in the world.


autumn -

dig -

flowers, fruits, and vegetables -

flower beds -

garden fork -

grow -

lawnmower -

rake -

rake up

spade -

tools -

use(s) -

vegetable patch

very nice -

wheelbarrow -

Questions -

What is John's hobby?
Do flowers grow in John's garden?
Do weeds grow in John's garden?
What does John rake up in the autumn?
What does John cut his lawn with?
Does John love his garden?
Do you love your garden?

John is a Bus Driver - He loves his job very much

Lexmatica – John is a Bus Driver

John is a bus driver. He works for London Transport. John really loves his job. He drives big red double-decker buses. John is a very good driver.

John starts work every morning at 5 and finishes at 3. And, on his way home, John always has one or two beers with his friends.

John is a bus driver. It's the best job in the world. But, when he has time, John goes fishing with Mary.

double-decker bus -

driver -

finish(es) – (finish/finished/finished) -

go(es) – (go/went/gone) -

start -

on his way home -

really -

when he has time -


What is John's job?
What is your job?

What does John drive?
What do you drive?

What time does John start every morning?
What time do you start every morning?

What does John do on his way home?
What do you do on your way home?

Why is your job the best (or worst) job in the world?

What do you do when you have time?

Does John go fishing alone?

Waiting at a bus stop in London

John and Mary and a Dinner Surprise

Lexmatica – I Must Go Home

John and Mary are enjoying a meal. They are having dinner at Randy's. Randy's is Mary's favourite restaurant. Mary loves English food. John prefers Indian. All of a sudden, Mary goes white in the face.

“Mary, what's the matter?”
“Oh John, I must go home”
“My mother is coming this evening
“Your mother is coming this evening!”
“Yes – I completely forgot
“When is she coming?”
“My mother is coming at seven-o-clock. What's the time now, John?”
“It's (it has) already gone eight-o-clock”
“Eight-o-clock! Oh no! My mother will be waiting at home. In front of a locked door!”
“You must phone her at once
“I can't”
“Why not?”
“My mother hasn't (has not) got a mobile!”
“That's silly. Everyone should have a mobile. What shall we do?”
“Finish our dinner. My mother should know better. She's very silly.”
“Yes, you are right, your mother is very silly. And, why don't we go to a disco as well? Your mother can wait in the cold and the rain. It will serve her right for being so silly. Ha ha ha!!”

All of a sudden, Mary's mobile rings.

“Hallo, this is Mary speaking”
“And, this is your mother. WHERE are you? You promised to be at home at six-o-clock! I am waiting in front of a locked door and I am cold and hungry! Come home at once! And, you should know better. Keeping your old mother waiting is not very clever. You are a stupid young lady!”
“Mother, you have a mobile?”
“Of course, I am not stupid”

Must ….........................................................

should …................................. …..............................

All of a sudden …................................................

at once.....................................................................

completely forgot – forget/forgot/forgotten -

enjoying – (enjoy(s) / enjoyed/enjoyed -
know better …...........................................


serve her/(you/him, etc.) right -

this evening -

Are John and Mary at a Chinese restaurant? -
Does John prefer Greek food?
Why does Mary go white in the face? -
Where is Mary's mother?
Why is Mary's mother so silly? -
Why is Mary's mother so silly?
Why are John and Mary so silly? -
Has Mary's mother got a mobile?
Does Mary like Indian food? -
What is your favourite food?


John and Mary in Brighton - It's a wonderful day!

Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL page

John and Mary in Brighton

It is 10-0-clock in the morning. John and Mary have just arrived in Brighton. A small town on the south coast of England. John and Mary are very happy. They are on holiday. The weather is nice.

“Mary, when shall we go to the beach?”
“Let's go after lunch”
“That's a good idea. Where shall we have lunch? I'm very hungry. I could eat a horse!”
Why are you hungry? You're always hungry, John!
“I didn't have breakfast”
“Why not?”
“No time”
“Well, I know a very nice restaurant. It's (it is) just around the corner. It's a fish and chip restaurant.”
“Great – suites me!”


when? ….................................................................................................................................. …........

where ?..................................................................................................................................................

why? …....................................................... why not? …..................................................................

I could eat a horse ….............................................................................................................................

always …...............................................................................................................................................

I know …........................................................ I don't know ….............................................................

just round the corner …..........................................................................................................................

suites me …............................................................................................................................................


Where are John and Mary?....................................................................................................................

Why are they in Brighton?....................................................................................................................

Where is Brighton?.................................................................................................................................

Why is John hungry? …...................................................................................................................

Where is the restaurant? …...................................................................................................................

When are John and Mary going to the beach? ….................................................................................

Is the restaurant a Chinese restaurant? …...........................................................................................

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