Earth Worms


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Picture - An English tourist after eating a worm sandwich!

Earthworms are the most important little animals on earth. And why? They eat old vegetation, and, the tunnels they make aerate the earth.

And, earthworms are very tasty, too. Birds, badgers and moles eat them for dinner. And, you could eat them as well! And, why not? There are, after all, enough to go round.

And, how does little Susi catch earthworms? The answer is simple! She digs a hole in her garden and waits. And, what does she do with the earthworms she catches? She puts them in her little brother's sandwiches! What a nice little girl!


aerate – lüften
all in all – alles im allem
badger – Dachs
catch – fangen
crops – Getreide
earthworm – Regenwurm
dig (dig/dug/dug) – ausgraben
enough to go round – genug für jeder
hole - Loch
important – wichtig
tasty – lecker
there are – es sind

Questions -

Why are earthworms so important?
What do earthworms eat?
Which animals enjoy earthworms for dinner?
How does little Susi catch earthworms?
What does little Susie do with the earthworms?
Why is little Susie a nice little girl?
Why do you like earthworms?

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