Joan Baez

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Picture - Tracks - by Nigel A JAMES

Joan Baez is one of America's greatest folk singers. She became famous in the 60s and 70s of last century with with many popular songs. These included: The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, Blowing in the Wind, and We Shall Overcome.

Joan Baez was a civil rights activist and was also involved in the anti Vietnam War movement. Joan Baez was born in 1941 in New York. She still works and is still very popular.


century – Jahrhundert
civil rights - Menschenrechte
famous – berühmt
movement – Bewegung
popular – beliebt
still – noch


When did Joan Baez become famous?
When was Joan Baez born?
In which year was she born?
What is your favourite Joan Baez song?
Was Joan Baez a civil rights activist?
Which war was Joan Baez against?
How old is Joan Baez

Boxing Day

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Picture - Servants' Party - by Nigel A JAMES

Boxing Day

The 26th of December is Boxing Day in England. This tradition started in1550.

Because servants had to work on Christmas Day (the 25th of December), their employers gave them a box of Christmas presents on the 26th of December. This is why Boxing Day is called Boxing Day.
But, there was more. Servants were allowed to go home on Boxing day. That's why Boxing Day was special for them.

Boxing day. The 26th of December.


after all – vor allem
box – Schachtel
Christmas Day – Christtag
employer – Arbeitgeber
gift - Geschenk
present – Geschenk
servant – Diener


When did the tradition of Boxing Day start?
What is the 26th of December known as in your country?
What did servants have to do on Christmas Day?
Why is Boxing day called Boxing Day?
What did employers give their servants on Boxing Day?
Why was Boxing Day so special for servants?
What do you do every Boxing Day?

And, now the text once again!

The Isle of Mull

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Picture - The Isle of Mull by Nigel A JAMES

Lexmatica – The Isle of Mull

The Isle of Mull is a small Scottish island that lies off the west coast of Scotland. The Isle of Mull is famous for the animals and birds that live there. These include otters, ponies, deer, and many different kinds of sea birds. Nowadays, nobody lives on the island. The Isle of Mull is wild and beautiful.  The Isle of Mull is a great place to visit, it is perfect for hiking and relaxing.


animal – Tier
beautiful – schön
deer – Hirsch/Reh
hiking – Wandern
kinds – Arten
lies – (lie(s)/lay/lain) – liegt
live – (live(s)/lived/lived) – lebt
nobody – niemanden
nowadays – heutzutage
otter - Otter
Scotland - Schottland
Scottish – schottisch
visit – besuchen


Where is the Isle of Mull?
What is the Isle of Mull famous for?
Is the Isle of Mull an English island?
Do ponies live on the Isle of Mull?
Do many people live on the Isle of Mull?
Why is the Isle of Mull a great place to visit?

                                                                 The Isle of Mull

The Flying Dutchman

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Picture - Sail - by Nigel A JAMES

The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that sails the seven seas. The ship is ghostly white. And, if hailed, its crew try to send messages to people who are dead. The Flying Dutchman can never make port. She is set to sail for ever.

Sailors are superstitious people. They believe the Flying Dutchman will bring them bad luck if they see it.
The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that sails the seven seas.

bad luck - Pech
believe – glauben
ghost shipGeistes Schiff
sail/s – (to sail/sailed/sailed) fahren
try – (to try/tried/tried) - versuchen
hailed – (to hail/hailed/hailed) – rufen / grüßen
make port (to make port/made port/made port) – ein Hafen anlaufen
messages (message) – Nachrichten - Botschaft
set tobestimmt
superstitiousaber gläubig


What is the Flying Dutchman?
How would you describe the Flying Dutchman?
What can the Flying Dutchman never do?
What is the Flying Dutchman set to do?
Why do sailors believe that it is good luck to see the Flying Dutchman?
What does the crew of the Flying Dutchman try to do when hailed?
Why would you like to see the Flying Dutchman?

Father Christmas

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Picture - Father Christmas - by Nigel A JAMES

Lexmatica –

Father Christmas

Before they go to bed on the 24th of December, all British children hang up a sock or a sack for Father Christmas to fill. And, as they lay dreaming and sleeping Father Christmas arrives with lots of wonderful presents.

No one has ever seen Father Christmas arrive on his sleigh and no one has ever seen him climb down the chimney. But, all the little children are happy with the presents  he brings.

And Father Christmas is happy as well. Everyone leaves a small glass of whisky for him. And in Britain there are millions of stockings to fill!

Happy Christmas!


arrive(s)(arrive(s)/arrived/arrived) – ankommen
bring(s) – (bring(s)/brought/brought) – brachte (bringen)
chimney – Rauchfang
climb(s) down – (climbed down/climbed down) hinunter Kletten
dreaming – träumen
exciting – aufregend
fill – (to fill/filled/filled) – fühlen
gifts – Geschenke
hang(s) up – (to hang up/hung up/hung up) – auf gehängt
lay(s) – (to lay/laid/laid) – liegen
presents – Geschenke
sleigh – Schlitten
sleeping – schlafen


When does Christmas start in Britain?
What do the children hang up?
When does Father Christmas come?
What has Father Christmas got in his sack?
Does Father Christmas come by car?
Does Father Christmas climb down the chimney?
Why are all the little children happy?
Why is Father Christmas happy?

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