LEXISPOT - 3 - EASY - Florentine is feeding her pets!

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Florentine is feeding her pets. She has a goldfish, a tortoise, and a very big hairy baboon. Florentine gives her goldfish a worm, her tortoise a carrot, and her big hairy baboon has fried fish and chips for his supper. Florentine loves feeding her pets.

baboon -
feeding -
fried fish and chips -
hairy -
pet(s) -
tortoise -


How many pets has Florentine got?
Which pet gets a worm for its dinner?
And, which pet gets a carrot for its dinner?
What does the big hairy baboon have for his supper?
What do cats like for dinner?
What do worms eat for breakfast?
And, what do you have for breakfast?

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