The Vienna Woods

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The Vienna Woods

The Viennese love them. With more than 1.500 square kilometres, the Vienna Woods are the perfect place for lots of fun! There is hiking, fishing, climbing, and lots more, too!

There are, of course, many different types of trees in the forest. There are oak trees, there are fir trees, there are beech trees, there are birch trees, and many more, too.

The Vienna Woods are also home to many wild animals. There are deer, badgers, foxes, wild pigs and even snakes and beetles, too.

The Vienna Woods have something for everyone!


Badger - Dachs
Beech trees – Buche
beetle - Kaifer
birch – Birke
climbing – Klettern
deer – das Wild
fir tree – Fichte / Tanne
fox - Fuchs
heart – Herz
hiking - Wandern
lots – viel/viele
many more – viele mehr
more than – mehr als
oak trees - Eichen
snake - Schlange
square kilometres – Quadrat Kilometres
there are – es sind
there is – es gibt
Viennese – Wiener
wild pigs – Wild Schwein


Why do the Viennese love the Vienna Woods?
How big are the Vienna woods?
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Which animals live in the Vienna Woods?
Why do you enjoy going to the Vienna Woods?
Are there any snakes in the Vienna Woods?
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Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...