LEXISPOTS - Florentine is Down on the Beach

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Florentine is Down on the Beach

Hello, where's Florentine?

She's down on the beach with Simon and Paul.

And, what are they doing?

Simon McCoon is building a sand castle.

And, Paul?

Paul is paddling in the sea.

And, what is little Florentine doing?

Florentine is eating the worms that live in the sand.

Have fun on the beach!


beach -
castle -
live -
paddling -
sea -
sky -
where's – where is -
where -
what -
when -
why -
with -

Questions -
Where are the children?
What is Simon McCoon doing?
What is Paul doing?
What is little Florentine doing?
What colour is sand?
Do you eat the worms that live in the sand?
What colour is the sky?
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Picture - Children eating onions - by Nigel A JAMES

An Onion a Day!

There are many different kinds of onions. There are spring onions, Spanish onions, garlic onions, normal garden onions, and many others, too. And onions are fun. One can fry them, boil them, grill them, and pickle them, too.

Onions are good for good taste. But, is this always true? Sometimes onions, especially garlic onions, destroy the real taste of good food! Onions are very dominating!

But, what about little Susi? She eats onion sandwiches in her break every day! Her parents are onion farmers! Do you like onion sandwiches, too?

And don't forget – an onion a day keeps the doctor away!


boil – kochen
break – Pause
destroy – vernichten
different – verschiedener
dominating – dominierend
farmer – Bauer
food – Essen
fry - braten
garlic onions - Knoblauch
grill – grillen
like – mögen
parents – Eltern
pickle – pickle
spring onions - Jungzwiebel
taste – Geschmack
what about – was es mit . …

Questions and Points -

Name 3 different kinds of onions.
What can you do with onions?
Do onions make food more delicious?
Are onions very dominating?
What does little Susie eat every day?
Do you eat sandwiches every day?

The Spanish Spaceman

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The Spanish Spaceman

Salamanca is a small town in Spain. And, it has two very impressive cathedrals. One new and one old. And, the one that is new has something of interest.

While the new cathedral was being restored, the restorers decided to add something new and exciting. They added a spaceman!

And, there he still is, this Spanish spaceman of stone. He's easy to find. He's floating for ever beside the main door.

Last century, a spaceman came down to earth. And now, Salamanca's his home. Salamanca. Two great cathedrals. One old and one new. Spain is great for surprises.


added = zufügen (to add/added/added)

arch - Bogen

carved = meiselte (to carve/carved/carved)

carving = Plastik

impressive = beeindrückend

restored - restauriert

restorers - Restaurierer

Spanish = spanisch

while = während


a- Where is Salamanca?
b- How many cathedrals has Salamanca got?
c- When was the new cathedral restored?
d- Where is the carving of the spaceman?
e- why do you like Spain?
f- Where is Spain?
g- What will people think about the spaceman in 300 years time?

Lexispot 5 - Simon McCoon is Having a Party!

Simon McCoon

Hello, where is Simon McCoon?
He's at home in his very big house.
And, what is he doing?
Simon McCoon is having a party. It's his birthday today.
And, what did he get?
Simon McCoon got a brand new red bike from his parents, a book about fishing from his brother, and a pair of old socks full of holes from his sister.
Simon McCoon has a nice little sister.
Happy birthday, Simon McCoon.

a pair -
about -
at home -
birthday -
brand new -
nice little sister -
parents -

Where is Simon McCoon?
What is Simon McCoon doing?
Why is Simon McCoon having a party?
What did Simon McCoon get from his parents?
Has Simon McCoon got a nice little sister?
What did she give him for his birthday?
What did Simon McCoon get from his brother?



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April is a wonderful month. It starts in the winter and ends in the spring. April is a month of great change.

It is hot, cold, windy, stormy, and breezy. There are heavy rainfalls, light rainfalls and showers, and of course snow storms and hail storms, too.

And, little Susi? She lost her hat one day in a storm. It was last year on the 7th of April. And now little Susi has no hat at all!


breeze – Brise
change – Änderungen
everything – alles
hail storm – Hagelsturm
heavy rainfall – Niederschlag
light rainfall – Leichte Regen
month – Monat
snow – Schnee
spring – Frühling
stormy – sturmig
shower – Schauer
there are – Es gibt
windy – windig

Questions -

What is your favourite month?
Why is April an exciting month?
When does April start?
When does April end?
Does it snow in April?
Describe April weather!
What did little Susi lose last year in April?

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