The Cutty Sark

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Photo by Nigel A JAMES

The Cutty Sark

The Cutty Sark is a British clipper. She was built in Glasgow on the River Clyde in Scotland in 1869. She was used for transporting cargo between Great Britain and Australia. She mainly carried tea, coal, wool, jute, and castor oil.

At her height, the Cutty Sark was one of the fastest clippers in the world. She won many prizes for speed!

In 1895, her days of sailing were over and she became a training ship for naval cadets.

Nowadays, the Cutty Sark is a museum ship and can be seen and visited in Greenwich, London.

The ship was named after the witch in Tam O'Shanter, a famous poem by the Scottish poet Robert Burns.

Vocabulary – Wortschatz - Szokincs
carried (to carry/carried/carried) - transportieren /fördern - szallitas
castor oilRizinusöl - ricinusöl
clipperKlipper - gyorsvitorlas
coal Kohle - szen
heightHöhepunkt - tetopont
juteJute - jute
mainlyhauptsächlich -föleg
nowadaysHeutzutage - mostanaban
poemGedicht - vers
poetDichter - költö
speed - Geschwindigkeit - sebesseg
Transportingfördern - szallitas
witchHexe - boszorkany
woolWohle - gyapju

Where was the Cutty Sark built?
When was she built?
What did she mainly carry?
What was the Cutty Sark at her height?
What did the ship become in 1895?
What is the Cutty Sark now?
Where is she now?
Who is the Cutty Sark named after?

San Marino

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Picture - The Main Cinema in San Marino

San Marino

San Marino is a very interesting place. It is the smallest republic in Europe. It has only 61 square kilometres. San Marino lives from wheat, grapes, cheese, livestock, postage stamps, tourism, textiles, pottery, chemicals, paints and wine.

San Marino is landlocked in the middle of Italy. Its border is 34 kilometres long. Its highest mountain, the Monte Titano, is 793 meters high. The River Ausa flows through San Marino.

The official language of San Marino is Italian, and the head of state is known as the Captains Regent. San Marino was founded in the 4th century by a Christian Saint.


border -Grenze
cheese – Käse
flow (flow/flowed/flowed) – fliest
founded (found/founded/founded) gegrundet
grapes – Trauben
head of stateStaats Oberhaupt
landlocked – Ohne zugang zum Meer
language - Sprache
livestock – Vieh
paints - Farben
postage stamps – Briefmarken
wheat Getreide


How many square kilometres has San Marino?
How high is its highest mountain and what is its name?
Where is San Marino?
Which language is spoken in San Marino?
What does San Marino live from?
Which river runs through San Marino?
What is the head of state known as?
Who founded San Marino?

                                                    The Main Cinema in San Marino

Karli's Office

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Picture - View from Karli's Office - by Nigel A. JAMES

Karli's Office

My friend Karli is an accountant. He works in the centre of Vienna. He has a very nice office with a wonderful view of St. Stephen's cathedral.

Karli has a very big desk, a big comfortable leather chair, a computer, a very expensive Italian desk-lamp, and a filing cabinet.

Maria, Karli's assistant, has a very small desk, a plastic chair, a computer, two filing cabinets, a cheap Chinese desk lamp and a very big plant in her office.

Karli and Maria are always too busy for lunch. And, they never have time to look out of the window!

Karli and Maria. Two very nice people who work in Vienna,


accountant – Steuerberater
busy – beschäftigt
cheap – billig
Chinese – chinesisch
comfortable - bequem
desk – Schreibtisch
desk-lamp – Schreibtischlampe
expensive – teuer
filing cabinet - Aktenschrank
Italian – italienisch
leather – Leder
office – Bureau
plant – Pflanze
view – Blick
work (work/worked/worked) arbeite


What is Karli's job?
What is Maria's job?
Where is Karli's office?
What can he see from his window?
Has Karli got a very cheap Chinese desk-lamp
What has Maria got in her office?
Whose office is better?


                                           View from Karli's Office - by Nigel A. JAMES


Simon McCoon and a Nice Little Mouse

Simon McCoon is very unhappy. His mother is very, very angry. Why is Simon McCoon's mother so angry? Simon McCoon was very, very naughty. He put a horrible mouse in Florentine's picnic.

And, what did the little mouse do?
It escaped when Florentine opened her picnic.

And, what did Florentine do?
She laughed and said it was funny.

And, what did Simon McCoon do?
He said sorry, and gave Florentine a piece of his chocolate.

Simon McCoon - What a nice little boy.


angry -
escaped -
horrible -
laughed -
naughty -
piece -


Why is Simon McCoon very unhappy?
And, why is Simon McCoon's mother so angry?
What did Simon McCoon do?
What did Florentine say?
Was she unhappy?
What did Simon McCoon do to say sorry?
Is Simon McCoon a nice little boy?

LEXISPOT - Florentine is Going to Graz

Florentine is Going to Graz

Florentine is looking forward to Saturday.

She's (she is) visiting her cousins in Graz.

Florentine's cousins' names are Robert and Susan.

They will go swimming in the Murr if the weather is nice.

If the weather is bad, they will go the cinema.

Florentine's aunty is cooking a nice meal on Saturday evening.

And, what is she cooking?

Florentine's favourite meal.

And, what is Florentine's favourite meal?

Fried frog and chips!

Have fun Florentine!


looking forward to …...........
visiting ….. visit …
cousin(s) . ….
go ..
meal ...
will …
will go ….


Where is Florentine going on Saturday?

Is Florentine looking forward to going to Graz?

What are Florentine's cousins' names?

What will they do if the weather is bad?

What will they do if the weather is nice?

What is Florentine's aunty cooking on Saturday?

What is your favourite meal?

Fishing with John

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Photo - John Fishing in Hungary - by Nigel A JAMES

Fishing with John

John's hobby is fishing. He goes every Sunday. John fishes in rivers, streams, brooks and lakes. On average, he catches 8 fish every Sunday. John uses maggots and worms for bait.

And, Mary his wife? Whilst John is fishing she is cooking and cleaning. And, what is she cooking? The answer is simple. It's John's favourite meal. And, what is John's favourite meal? Fish and chips, what else!


average – Durchschnitt
bait – Köder
brook – Bach
catches (to catch/caught/caught) – fangen
cleaning – putzen
lake – See
maggot - Made/Larve
river – Fluss
stream – Bach
what else – was sonst
whilst – während
Questions -

What is your hobby?
Where does John fish?
What does John use for bait?
How many fish does John catch every Sunday?
What is John's favourite meal?
What is John's wife's name?
Does John's wife like fishing?
Why do people like fishing?

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...