Fishing with John

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Photo - John Fishing in Hungary - by Nigel A JAMES

Fishing with John

John's hobby is fishing. He goes every Sunday. John fishes in rivers, streams, brooks and lakes. On average, he catches 8 fish every Sunday. John uses maggots and worms for bait.

And, Mary his wife? Whilst John is fishing she is cooking and cleaning. And, what is she cooking? The answer is simple. It's John's favourite meal. And, what is John's favourite meal? Fish and chips, what else!


average – Durchschnitt
bait – Köder
brook – Bach
catches (to catch/caught/caught) – fangen
cleaning – putzen
lake – See
maggot - Made/Larve
river – Fluss
stream – Bach
what else – was sonst
whilst – während
Questions -

What is your hobby?
Where does John fish?
What does John use for bait?
How many fish does John catch every Sunday?
What is John's favourite meal?
What is John's wife's name?
Does John's wife like fishing?
Why do people like fishing?

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