San Marino

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San Marino

San Marino is a very interesting place. It is the smallest republic in Europe. It has only 61 square kilometres. San Marino lives from wheat, grapes, cheese, livestock, postage stamps, tourism, textiles, pottery, chemicals, paints and wine.

San Marino is landlocked in the middle of Italy. Its border is 34 kilometres long. Its highest mountain, the Monte Titano, is 793 meters high. The River Ausa flows through San Marino.

The official language of San Marino is Italian, and the head of state is known as the Captains Regent. San Marino was founded in the 4th century by a Christian Saint.


border -Grenze
cheese – Käse
flow (flow/flowed/flowed) – fliest
founded (found/founded/founded) gegrundet
grapes – Trauben
head of stateStaats Oberhaupt
landlocked – Ohne zugang zum Meer
language - Sprache
livestock – Vieh
paints - Farben
postage stamps – Briefmarken
wheat Getreide


How many square kilometres has San Marino?
How high is its highest mountain and what is its name?
Where is San Marino?
Which language is spoken in San Marino?
What does San Marino live from?
Which river runs through San Marino?
What is the head of state known as?
Who founded San Marino?

                                                    The Main Cinema in San Marino

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