John, Wendy, and Susan - 3 very good friends.

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Picture - Door to John's Garden

John, Susan, and Wendy

John, Susan and Wendy are playing in the garden. John is wearing his jeans, his running shoes, a very old pulli, and a very nice cap.
Susan is wearing jeans, a blouse, and, on her head, she is wearing a bonnet.
Wendy is a very beautiful girl. She is wearing a potatoe sack, 1 red rubber boot and 1 green rubber boot. And, on her head, she is wearing a very old rusty bucket. Have you got an old rusty bucket?

are -
bonnet -
blouse -
bucket -
garden -
playing -
potatoe sack -
rusty -
rubber boot -
wearing -
Where are John, Susan, and Wendy?
What are they doing
Is John wearing jeans?
What colour are John's jeans?
What colour are your jeans?
Who is wearing a bonnet?
What is Wendy wearing?
Do you wear a potatoe sack when you go to school?
Would you like an old potatoe sack for your birthday?

  •                                     Picture - The Door to John's Garden

A Two (2) Legged Horse - A horse with only 2 legs

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...