Florentina has got a big Secret!

Florentina has got a big Secret

Little Florentina has got a very big secret. Harold, her uncle from London, lives on the moon. He was sent there a long time ago!
And, why was Harold sent to the moon?

He was sent there to get some nice creamy cheese!

But, sadly, Uncle Harold never came back. He stayed on the moon to eat all the cheese.

And, Harold's poor mother and father?

They have to make-do with cheese bought from Hoffer.

And, the moon? It's getting smaller and smaller. Uncle Harold is eating it up!!

And, Florentina?  She loves creamy cheese, too!

bought -
cheese -
eating it up
get -
lives -
moon -
poor -
secret -
sent -
stayed -
to make-do-with -
What is Florentina's very big secret?
Why was Uncle Harold sent to the moon?
What is Uncle Harold doing now on the moon?
Why is the moon getting smaller and smaller?
Where do Harold's Mother and Father go for their cheese?
Where does your mother buy cheese?
Does the cheese on the moon taste very good?
Does Uncle Harold like cheese?
What is your very big secret?

Florentina has gone down to India

For full page - please CLICK here
Picture - Big Jammer's car.
Lexispot - Florentina has gone to Calcutta.


Florentina has gone far away. She has gone to Calcutta. Calcutta is in India. Florentina's grandparents live in Calcutta.

Florentina's grandmother works in a circus. The Calcutta circus. She works with Indian tigers. Florentina's grandmother's sister also works in the circus. Her name is Daisy. She is a cook. Daisy cooks lunch for the tigers. Indian tigers like eating chickens.

Florentina's grandfather works for the Queen. He is a very important man. He is the big boss of India. Florentina's grandfather goes to work on his elephant. His elephant's name is Big Jammer. Big Jammer likes eating bananas. Do you like eating bananas?

also -
Calcutta -
far away -
grandparents -
India -
Indian -

Where is Calcutta?
Who lives in Calcutta?
Where does Florentina's grandmother work?
What does she do in the circus?
What is Daisy?
What is her job?
Does Daisy cook carrots for the tigers?
What does Big Jammer eat?
Have you got an elephant, too?

Picture - Big Jammer's car!



Pets are every child's dream. Children love them. The most popular pets in England are dogs. In England, dogs are man's best friend. In Switzerland everyone keeps tropical fish, And, cats and rabbits are at the top of the list in France! 

Dogs sleep in kennels, rabbits live in hutches, and tropical fish are happy in aquariums.

But, some people have very unusual pets. Susan from Vienna has a crocodile. Its name is Simon. Simon loves little children (for dinner!!) Rodney, who lives in London has an elephant. Its name is Philip.  No-one has ever seen Philip.  Philip sleeps all day long under Rodney's bed! Have you got a pet under your bed?


all day long – den ganzen Tag
dream – Traum
France – Frankreich
hutch - Stall
kennel – Hundezwinger
no-one – niemand
pet – Haustier
prefer – bevorzugen
popular – beliebt
rabbit – Kaninchen
sleep – (to sleep/slept/slept) - schlafen
Switzerland – die Schweiz
tropical fish – Tropische Fisch
under – unter
unusual – ungewöhnlich


Why do people like dogs?
Why do girls prefer cats?
What is your favourite pet?
What is the number one pet in Switzerland?
Where do Rodney and Philip live?
What does Philip do all day long?
What is the most popular pet in China?
Why are hamsters the best pets of all?

Summer in Hungary

Please CLICK here for full article - Audio following

Picture - Lake Balaton by Nigel A. JAMES

Our Summer in Hungary

Summer is over. It is autumn. We came back from our holiday last week. We went to Hungary. We stayed in a little village near Lake Balaton. We were there for 6 weeks. The weather was hot, and the water temperature of the lake was perfect for swimming. Hungary is a very nice country. The people are friendly, Hungarian food is great and the countryside is beautiful. There is much to do there. There is cycling, there is horse riding, there is swimming, and there is very much culture. We went to many concerts and exhibitions. We had a wonderful summer!

autumn – Herbst
bad – schlecht
beautiful – schön
came back – (to come back/came back/came back) - zurück kamen

country – Land
countryside – Landschaft
cycling - Fahrradfahren

exhibitions – Ausstellungen
horse riding – Pferdereiten
holiday - Ferien
Hungarian – ungarische
Hungary – Ungarn
lake – See

many – viele
much – viel
over – vorbei

stayed – (stay/stayed/stayed) – wohnte - nur kurzfristig
there is – es gibt
very much – sehr viel
village – Dorf
went – (go/went/gone) – ging


How was your summer?
Where did you go?
What did you do?
Was the weather nice?
Where is Hungary?
Is the food bad?
What can you do in Hungary?
Is the Hungarian countryside beautiful?
Are you happy?

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