Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller was one of America's greatest playwrights. He was born in New York in 1915.

Arthur Miller wrote his first play, The Villain, whilst studying at the University of Michigan. And then, after graduating, he started his careerer as a playwright. His most famous works were All My Sons, The Death of a Salesman and After the Fall.

Arthur Miller won many prizes for his work.

Arthur Miller was married three times. His first wife was Mary Slattery, his second Marilyn Monroe, and his third wife was Inge Morath.

Arthur Miller died at the age of 89 in 2005.


died – starb
whilst – während
wife - Ehefrau


Where was Arthur Miller born?
Where did Arthur Miller study?
Which play did Arthur Miller write at university?
Which three plays are Arthur Miller's most famous?
Who was Arthur Miller's second wife?
When did Arthur Miller die?

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