Toorington Life - The Women's Institute.


The Women's Institute.

The Women's Institute brings women together. The WI provides many activities and educational courses for women. Courses include everything from bakery to watering plants.

The Women's Institute meets once a week. Weekly activities can include arts and crafts, fitness training, and games. 

Speakers at WI meetings include inspirational members, authors, poets, gardeners, and important local figures.

Only women are allowed to join the WI.  There is no age limit and no religious restrictions.  Everyone is welcome.

The Women's institute is active in the UK, Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand.

The WI was founded in Canada in 1897.



age limit 



Where was the WI founded?

In which countries is the WI active?

Who may join the WI?

What is the age limit for the WI?

Are men allowed to join the WI?


Toorington Life - The Vicar's Tea Party

The church is still the centre of village life.  Especially in Toorington.  People are  christened there, people get married there,  and everyone's first school is St. Paul's primary school.   The Church is not only everyone's life, it is also everyone's death. Everyone must have a funeral, too. But, there is one occasion in Toorington  that is special.  The Vicar's Garden Party. 

The Vicar's Garden Party is a must for all the ladies of Toorington. The Vicar's Garden Party is not only Cucumber sandwiches, buttered scones with jam and whipped cream, and a nice cup of tea, it is more!  The Vicar's Garden Party is, in reality, the Vicar's annual gossip party.

Who's saying this, who's saying that, and all the news that shouldn't be news. Women love gossip. However, women don't only love gossip, they also love hats. A new dress and a new hat every year is a must. Women are very creative.

The Vicar's Garden Party is a meeting for women. Men never have time.  They must work.  Of course, women don't only meet once a year at the vicar's, there are many women's societies in Toorington, too. Next time, we will be finding out about other activities for women in Toorington.  You will be surprised. There is much to do in Toorington!

See you then.


Christened /  baptised

cucumber sandwiches


whipped cream

gossip /discuss

hat / dress



Where is the Vicar's Garden Party held?

What is a must for the party?

Why do women enjoy this annual event?

What is served at the Vicar's Garden Party?

Who makes the sandwiches?

Do you like cucumber sandwiches?

The Vicar's Garden Party is an annual event.  It is held every summer in late July.  The Vicar's Garden Party is a must for al't


Toorington Life 5 - Sport's Day

A Toorington boy catching a pigeon for lunch

We have had a beer at the pub, we have gone to St. Paul's, we have been down to the farm, and we have had a hard day at school. Today we are staying at school.  It's Sport's Day.

Sport's Day is held at the end of the summer term.  Sport's Day is fun. The children love it and the parents love it as well. 

Sport's Day consists of 5 or 6 races.  The most popular race is the egg and spoon race. Each child must race with a spoon with an egg in it. It is not allowed to hold the egg. If the egg falls to the ground, the child is out. The distance of the race is 25 metres.  The winner is the first child over the finishing line.

The sack race is also a very popular race. The children must climb into a potatoe sack and race to the finishing line. This race is really good fun.  Stumbling and falling and laughing and screaming.  Very good fun.

Other games include the hula hoop race, the tug of war, and the skipping race.

Sport's Day is a wonderful end to the school year. The summer holidays are here.  School breaks up for the summer.

Summer is a wonderful time in Toorington. Next week we are going to the vicar's for afternoon tea.


summer term / winter term / spring term / autumn term



finishing line


school breaks up



What is Sport's Day?

Are parents allowed to come to the Sport's Day?

Why is Sport's Day good fun?

Please describe the egg and spoon race!

Please tell us about the sack race!

What is the tug of war?

Do the children win prizes?

What is Sport's Day like in your country?


St. Paul's C of E Primary School


St. Paul's School in Toorington.

We have been to the pub, we have gone to church, we have spent time on Cherry Tree Farm; and now we are going to school.

St. Paul's school is a primary school.  The school has 4 classes. Class 1 for 5 year olds, Class 2 for 6 year olds, class 3 for 7 year olds, and class 4 for the oldest children.  In England, children start school when they are 5.

Mr.  Gaylor is the headmaster of St. Paul's, Mrs Hemmings teaches class 4, Mrs Roberts teaches class 3, Mr. Ludlow teaches class 2, and Miss. Glegg teaches class 1.  Each class has around 23 children. 

St. Paul's school uniform consists of grey short trousers for boys and a grey skirt for girls.  Long grey socks for boys and long white socks for girls. White shirts for boys and  white blouses for girls. The school tie is worn by boys and girls.  It is orange with yellow stripes. Every child must have a school blazer. St. Paul's blazer is blue.  St. Paul's school badge must be sewn onto the breast pocket.  The school uniform is compulsory. It must be worn all year round.  Summer and winter. 

In England, school starts everyday at 9 o clock. The school assembly starts each day.  The whole school meets in the school hall. 15 minutes of  hymns, prayers, and a short speech by the headmaster. There are 2 lessons in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.  The children come out at 4 o clock. 

The highlight of every school year is sport's day.  Next time, we're going to the games.


primary school -

headmaster / head mistress

school uniform -

shirt / blouse - 

blazer -

school tie -

assembly - 

hymns - 

prayers - 

Questions -

What colour trousers do the boys wear?

Are the girls allowed to wear trousers to school?

Is school uniform compulsory in Great Britain?

Who is the headmaster?

What colour socks must the boys wear?

And, what colour socks do the girls wear?

How many classes has St. Paul's?

How many teachers work at St. Pauls?

How old are the children in England when they start school?

Which class does Mrs Hemmings teach?

When do the children come out every afternoon?

It was founded in 1877 by the Duke of Devonshire. 

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