Toorington Life - The Toorington FC


In every English village, the football club is just as important as the church and the pub.  And, Toorington FC is no exception.

Toorington FC, or the Reds, meet every Thursday evening for training. This is usually a very long evening.  When training ends, the drinking starts.  

Matches are played every Saturday morning in the season. Football is a winter sport in England,

The Toorington FC plays in the local Devonshire league.  Last season,  Toorinton finished 15th. Not bad out of 40.

The captain's name is Will.  Will Smith.  Will is a very popular local man.  Will plays football in winter, and cricket in summer.

More about cricket and Will next time.


as as - 

so as -

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Devon / Devonshire


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What is the colour of Toorington FC?

When does the team practice?

Where does the team go after practice?

Who is the team captain?

When is football played in England?

Where did Toorington finish in the league at the end of last season?

Are matches played on Sundays?

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Our Old Kitchen Table

Our old kitchen table is at least 150 years old.  It started life as an acorn in the New Forest.  It then grew into a mighty oak. Years later, it was chopped down. The oak was then taken to a sawmill and sawn ito planks.  The carpenter then made the table.

My grandfather bought the table from a furniture shop.  That was in 1943.  The table has been in our kitchen ever since.  It has seen good times, bad times, hard times, and busy times.

Our old wooden kitchen table has been used for many different things.  Family breakfasts.  Fine Sunday lunches.  11's.  Afternoon teas. Evening meals or dinner.  Childrens parties. Rolling out pastry. And, making chocolate cakes.

Our old kitchen table has always been the heart of our home.  And, our old kitchen table has even seen many surprises.

One afternoon, the Queen came round for tea. She was on her way home from the north.  Cucumber sandwiches and a  nice cup of tea. What a great afternoon.

Our old Kitchen Table.

acorn -
mighty oak -
chopped down -
sawmill -
sawn -
11's -
surprises -
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