Toorington Life - The Village Bakery

Hungry Children - by Nigel A. JAMES

The Toorington Bun

We already know quite a lot about Toorington.  And, today, we are meeting Liz Barge.  Liz is Rachel Hall's niece. And, Liz  is the owner of The Toorington Bun.  The baker's.  

Liz Barge's bakery shop is, without any doubt at all, one of the most important shops in Toorington.  Everyone must have bread.  Bread is an essential part of everyone's diet.  And, Liz Barge works very, very hard.  

Liz gets up every morning at 4. Liz's first job is lighting the oven.  Her second job is mixing the dough. Mixing and kneading the dough is no easy job,  Liz  kneads very much dough every morning.

Liz opens her bakery shop at six o' clock every morning.  Liz has a very hard job, and Liz makes very much bread.


bun - 

meeting - 

Liz makes very much bread - 


without and doubt at all -

get up -

lighting the oven -

knead -


Is Rachel Hall Liz's aunty?

What time does Liz get up every morning?

What time does Liz go to bed?

Is Liz's shop open on Sundays?

Is being a baker an easy job?

Describe the smell of freshly baked bread!

Does Liz make very much bread?

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