Shall I Bring Some Grapes - John is not very well!

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Shall I Bring Some Grapes?

John and Mary are in the kitchen. They are sitting at the table. Mary is having coffee and John is having an aspirin. An aspirin for his headache.

What's wrong John?
I'm not well.
Have you got a headache?
Yes – a very bad one. And, I've got a sore throat, too.
Have you got a temperature?
I don't know.
I will take your temperature. Here's my thermometer. Open your mouth......... Oh my God! You have a temperature of 104! I must phone an ambulance. You must go to hospital. John, shall I pack your new pyjamas? …....................... John, why can't you speak? …........... John, why are you so white in the face? ….......... John, the ambulance is here. Soon you will be in hospital. If I have time, I will come and see you tomorrow. Shall I bring some grapes? Get better soon.


ambulance …........................................................................................................................................

What's wrong …...................................................................................................................................

I'm not well …......................................................................................................................................

headache …...........................................................................................................................................

sore throat ….........................................................................................................................................

toothache …...........................................................................................................................................

a bad pain …..........................................................................................................................................

high/low blood pressure …...................................................................................................................

ambulance ….........................................................................................................................................


What is wrong with John?
Has John got a sore throat, too?
Is John's headache bad?
Has John got a temperature?
Who does Mary phone?
Where must John go?
Why is John white in the face?

A Day Out On The Beach

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A Day Out On The Beach

It is summer in England. Mary's in the kitchen having a coffee. Mary wants to go to the beach. “John, let's go the beach on Saturday”
“That's a very good idea. Have we got any sun cream?”
“Yes, I bought a bottle last week”
“Great. Mary, shall we take a picnic?”
“No, let's go to a fish and chip restaurant, I love fish and chips”
“OK, fish and chips is a very good idea”
“Mary, can I go for a ride on a donkey?”
“No John, you are too old. Donkey riding is only for children”
“But, can I have an ice cream?”
“Only if you promise to be good
"Shall I bring my camera?"
"Of course!"


beach …..........................................................
donkey ….........................................................
Mary's - Mary is ….........................................
promise …........................................................
ride …..............................................................
to be good …....................................................
too old …........................................................
wants …...........................................................


Where does Mary want to go?
When does Mary want to go to the beach?
What did Mary buy?
What does John want to eat?
Where does Mary want to go for lunch?
What does John want ´to do?
Do you like ice cream?


In Mary's Kitchen

There is – There are

Mary and Jane are in Mary's kitchen. They are drinking coffee and chatting about fashion and friends in common. Mary and Jane meet every Tuesday morning.

Mary's kitchen is full of interesting and exciting things. There is a table. There are 4 very old wooden chairs, and there is a stove that is at least 20 years old. Mary's husband John bought the stove when he was single.

Next week, Mary and her husband are going to the market to buy a new frying pan. They bought their last one 20 years ago.


at least …...................................................................................
exciting …...............................................................................
in common …...........................................................................
interesting …............................................................................
one ….......................................................................................
there is ….................................................................................
there are …...............................................................................
single …....................................................................................
wooden chairs …......................................................................


When did you buy your kitchen table?
Where did you buy your car?
Why do Mary and Jane meet every Tuesday morning?
What do Mary and Jane chat about?
Who do Mary and Jane chat about?
Why are Mary and her husband going to the market?
When are Mary and her husband going to the market?

Mary goes to the Market - An interesting true story

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 Lexmatica – Mary Went To The Market

Mary and Susan are in the kitchen. They are chatting about shopping. They love shopping very much. Last Saturday, Mary went to the market.

At the market, Mary bought many beautiful things. She bought a very nice pair of brown plastic shoes. Next week it's her mother's birthday. Mary also bought a garden spade for her husband and a wonderful goldfish bowl for her brother.

On the way home from the market, Mary saw a wonderful dress in a shop window. Unfortunately, it was too big and too expensive.

Next week, Mary is going to the market again. Maybe, she will find a beautiful cheap dress to buy!


about …...................................................................
bought .. buy/bought/bought …..............................
also ….....................................................................
chatting …...............................................................
expensive …............................................................
garden spade …........................................................
it's …........................................................................
maybe …..................................................................
saw ...see/saw/seen …..............................................
too …........................................................................
unfortunately ….......................................................


Where are Mary and Susan?
What are they doing?
What are they chatting about?
Where did Susan go last Saturday?
When is Susan's mother's birthday?
What did Susan buy at the market?
What did Mary see on her way home from the market?
Why is Mary going to the market next week?
When is your birthday?

Andrew Roberts Visits His Sister Rebecca

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Andrew Roberts Visits His Sister Rebecca

I have / I do / I am / Are you/ could / would / I will

“Hello Andrew, do come in”
“Thanks. How are you Becs?”
“Fine, and how are you? – Long time no see”
“I'm fine, too. Much to do – always busy”
“Andrew, Would you like a cup of tea?”
“A cup of tea? Yes please”
“OK – I'll (I will) put the kettle on – Are you hungry, too?”
“To be honest, I'm (I am) starving!”
“Would you like to stay for lunch?”
“That would be great – are you cooking something nice?”
“I've (I have) got a chicken in the oven
“Great! That's my favourite
“Then sit down and tell me your news – Are you cold?”
“Yes, just a little”
“No problem. I'll (I will) close the window”
“Now, tell me your news”


always …..............................................................................
are you ….............................................................................
favourite …...........................................................................
honest …..............................................................................
kettle …................................................................................
many …................................................................................
much …................................................................................
oven ….................................................................................
sit down …...........................................................................
something …........................................................................
starving …............................................................................
stay …..................................................................................
too …...................................................................................


Who is Andrew visiting?
Is Rebecca Andrew's sister?
Is Andrew very hungry?
What is Rebecca making for lunch?
What is Andrew's favourite meal?
Why was Andrew cold?
Did Rebecca close the window?

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