San Marino



San Marino

San Marino is a long way from Toorington. San Marino is a very interesting place. It is the smallest republic in Europe. It has only 61 square kilometres. San Marino lives from  wheatgrapes, cheeselivestockpostage stampstourismtextilespotterychemicalspaints and wine.

San Marino is landlocked in the middle of Italy. Its border is 34 kilometres long. Its highest mountain, the Monte Titano, is 793 meters high. The River Ausa flows through San Marino.

The official language of San Marino is Italian, and the head of state is known as the Captains Regent. San Marino was founded in the 4th century by a Christian Saint.


border -Grenze
cheese – Käse
flow (flow/flowed/flowed) – fliest
founded (found/founded/founded) gegrundet
grapes – Trauben
head of state – Staats Oberhaupt
landlocked – Ohne zugang zum Meer
language - Sprache
livestock – Vieh
paints - Farben
postage stamps – Briefmarken
pottery – Keramik
wheat – Getreide


How many square kilometres has San Marino?
How high is its highest mountain and what is its name?
Where is San Marino?
Which language is spoken in San Marino?
What does San Marino live from?
Which river runs through San Marino?
What is the head of state known as?
Who founded San Marino?

                                                    The Cinema in San Marino

Toorington Life - House Flies


House flies are small, black and everyone hates them. They share our homes and eat all they can get! House flies are very revolting.

But, these little miracles of nature have another side, too. They are good at surviving. House flies can fly at 11 kilometres an hour, and with their 6000 little eyes they can see danger coming and fly out the way. And, there's more! In their 34 day lifespan, house flies can lay more than 400 eggs.
But, not everyone hates them. House flies are perfect for lunch and are loved by spiders and birds.

And little Susie? She keeps a house fly under her bed in a box, and its name is Erich!


danger – Gefahr
fly (fly/flew/flown) – fliegen
hate – (hate/hated/hated) – hassen
house fly – Stubenfliege
lifespan - Lebenszeit
miracle – Wunder
revolting - abscheulich
share (share/shared/shared) – teilen
surviving – überleben

The Verb Hate

I hate my job. She hates her job.
I hated my time at school.
I have hated my job since I started 10 years ago.


Why do you hate house flies?
How fast can house flies fly?
How many eyes have house flies got?
What do house flies eat for lunch?
How many eggs do house flies lay?
Where does Susie keep Erich?
For how long can a house fly live?
Who has house flies for lunch?

Arthur Miller -


Arthur Miller was one of America's greatest playwrights. He was born in New York in 1915.

Arthur Miller wrote his first play, The Villain, whilst studying at the University of Michigan. And then, after graduating, he started his careerer as a playwright. His most famous works were All My Sons, The Death of a Salesman and After the Fall.

Arthur Miller won many prizes for his work.

Arthur Miller was married three times. His first wife was Mary Slattery, his second Marilyn Monroe, and his third wife was Inge Morath.

Arthur Miller died at the age of 89 in 2005.


died – starb
famous – berühmt
graduating – graduieren
married – heiratet
playwright – Dramatiker
whilst – während
wife - Ehefrau


Where was Arthur Miller born?
Where did Arthur Miller study?
Which play did Arthur Miller write at university?
Which three plays are Arthur Miller's most famous?
Who was Arthur Miller's second wife?
When did Arthur Miller die?

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...