Work Sheet 55

Where is this street?

Who lives in this street?

Where are the rats and mice?

How big is their dog?

Why do people love dogs?

Why are cats better pets?

Where is the nearest bus stop?

Where is the nearest Billa?

Where is your school?


 Click here for Talk 49 - Our Audio Blog

Work Sheet 54

 Please click here for Diarikom

My Sister

Is my sister the most beautiful girl in the world?  

What do you think her name is?

How many nephews and nieces has my sister?

What are my sister's nephews' names?

Do my sister's nephews like sport?

Football or tennis?

Are my sister's nieces bus drivers in Innsbruck?

Are my sister's nieces mountaineers? 

How many mountains have you climbed?

What is my sister's job?

+ + + + +


Work Sheet 53 - All about getting on and off trains and going home for tea!

Are these people getting on a train or a bus?
How many people can you see in this picture?
What are their names?
What is the time in this picture?

Are these people getting on a bus or a train?
Are these people going home?
Where is this train going to?  To Vienna or Budapest?
Where is Budapest?
Do these people live in Vienna or Budapest?
How many men and how many women?
Where are the dogs?
What did these people have for lunch?
What did you have for lunch?
Do the people in this picture like fish?
Everyone like fish and chips in England. Does the fish come 
from?  From the Stadtpark in Vienna or the Wienfluss?


Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...