Andre Kertesz

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Picture - Snap! By Nigel A JAMES

Andre Kertesz

Andre Kertesz was a famous photographer. He was born in Budapest in 1894, and later moved to Paris. His most famous photo is the one he took in Meudon.

It shows a steam train going over a viaduct, an old run-down house, a smartly dressed man carrying a parcel, a mother and her child, and a group of men walking towards a building site.

Andre Kertesz worked all over the world and in 1936 he emigrated to the USA.

Andre Kertesz died in New York in 1985.


building site – Baustelle
famous – berühmt
moved (move/moved/moved) – übersiedelt
run-down – schlechter Zustand
shows (show/showed/showed) – zeigen
took (take/took/taken) aufnehmen – (to take a picture)
towards – richtunghin
was born – würde geboren


Where was Andre Kertesz born?
In which city was Andre Kertesz born?
When was Andre Kertesz born?
What does Andre Kertesz's most famous picture show us?
Where did Andre Kertesz emigrate to?
Where is Budapest?
When did Andre Kertesz die?

Earth Worms


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Picture - An English tourist after eating a worm sandwich!

Earthworms are the most important little animals on earth. And why? They eat old vegetation, and, the tunnels they make aerate the earth.

And, earthworms are very tasty, too. Birds, badgers and moles eat them for dinner. And, you could eat them as well! And, why not? There are, after all, enough to go round.

And, how does little Susi catch earthworms? The answer is simple! She digs a hole in her garden and waits. And, what does she do with the earthworms she catches? She puts them in her little brother's sandwiches! What a nice little girl!


aerate – lüften
all in all – alles im allem
badger – Dachs
catch – fangen
crops – Getreide
earthworm – Regenwurm
dig (dig/dug/dug) – ausgraben
enough to go round – genug für jeder
hole - Loch
important – wichtig
tasty – lecker
there are – es sind

Questions -

Why are earthworms so important?
What do earthworms eat?
Which animals enjoy earthworms for dinner?
How does little Susi catch earthworms?
What does little Susie do with the earthworms?
Why is little Susie a nice little girl?
Why do you like earthworms?

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Diarikom - Read - listen and learn (not so easy)

Tram 49 - Listen and enjoy - Short stories and more.

Andrea Klar

Andrea Klar

Andrea klar is a weaver and the tapestries she makes are full of wonderful colours. And the colours she loves all come from her travels.

Soft water colours come from England, pastel colours come from Scandinavia, and the bright strong colours of exciting southern life are Italian and Spanish. And, Andrea's favourite country is Italy.

But travel is not only colour, it is people as well. Andrea has very many friends all over the world.


as well - auch
bright – hell
country – Land
exciting – aufregend
favourite – lieblings-
Italy - Italien
life – Leben
pastel colours – Pastellfarben
soft – weich
Spain – - Spanien
strong - stark
tapestries – Tapeten
travel(s) – Reisen
water colours – Wasserfarben
weaver – Weber/Weberin
wonderful – wunderbar
work – Arbeit


What is Andrea Klar?

Why does Andrea love travel?

Where do water colours come from?

Where do pastel colours come from?

Where is Scandinavia?

Why is Spain Andrea's favourite country?

What is your favourite country? Why?

What is your favourite colour?

More from Lexmatica

Diarikom - Read - listen and learn (not so easy)

Tram 49 - Listen and enjoy - Short stories and more.

Guntramsdorf - The Rose of the South!

The Rose of the South

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Picture - The Badner Bahn in Guntramsdorf station.

Guntramsdorf is a very interesting village. It is famous for its very good wine, its beautiful vineyards, and its surroundings.

There is plenty to do in Guntramsdorf. It has a very good theatre, 5 excellent schools, and many wonderful inns with great food and drink. And, the Church choir is very, very good.

Guntramsdorf is also a centre of industry. It has many big and small factories.

From Vienna, Guntramsdorf is 20 minutes by car and 40 minutes by tram. Guntramsdorf is also very close to the City of Baden.


beautiful – schön
church – Kirche
choir – Chor
close – nah(e)
factory (factories) - Fabrik
famous – berühmt
inn – Gasthaus
lies (lie/lay/lain) – liegt
plenty – viel
surroundings – Umgebung
village – Dorf
vineyards – Weingärten


Where is Guntramsdorf?
What is Guntramsdorf famous for?
How far is Guntramsdorf by tram from Vienna?
And, by car?
Has Guntramsdorf got a cinema?
Is the Church Choir good?
How many schools has Guntramsdorf got?

And now text once again!

More from Lexmatica

Diarikom – Listen, learn and enjoy

Tram49 – Audio Life – Short stories and more. Click – listen – enjoy!

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Donkey Riding

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Photo - Donkey Riding on Whitby Beach - Nigel A. JAMES

Donkey Riding

All British kids love the seaside. There is sand to play on, sea to swim in, fish and chips to eat, ice cream to lick, and, of course, donkeys to ride on. And donkey rides are a great British tradition.

Donkey riding started in England in the Victorian times at the seaside resort of Weston Super Mare. Now, there are donkeys to ride on on every British beach. And, every donkey has its name on its harness.

Children love donkeys, and even the Queen went donkey riding when she was little!

even – sogar
harness – Geschirr
its – sein/e ihr/e
lick – (lick/licked/licked) - lutschen
of course – natürlich
resort – Ferienort
ride – reiten
sea – Meer
seaside – Küste


Why do all British kids love the seaside?
Why are donkeys special?
When did donkey riding start in England?
Where did donkey riding start?
Where do donkeys have their name?
What can you do on a British beach?
Who liked donkey riding when she was a little girl?

And now the text again!

More Lexmatica

Diarikom – easy -middle - and high. Read – listen – learn

Tram49 – Audio only – short stories and more – Click, listen, enjoy!

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