LEXISPOT 4 - Florentine is playing in the garden!

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Hello! Where is Florentine?
Florentine is in the garden.
What is she doing?
She's playing hide-and-seek with her pets.

Florentine, where is your pet cat?
I can see him. He's hiding under the chair!

And, where is your little dog hiding?
He always hides behind the dustbin.

Florentine, where is your pet elephant?
I don't know.
Florentine, have you looked behind the apple-tree?
What a good idea! Oh, now I can see my African elephant. He's hiding behind the apple tree. Thank you.

And, Florentine, where are you going to hide?
I'm going to hide in the dustbin!

Goodbye Florentine.

always -
behind -
in -
under -

Where is little Florentine?
What is she doing?
How many pets has Florentine got?
Where is her little dog?
Where is her cat?
Is Florentine's elephant hiding in the dustbin?
Where is Florentine's African elephant hiding?
Do you like playing hide-and-seek?


The Vienna Woods

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The Vienna Woods

The Viennese love them. With more than 1.500 square kilometres, the Vienna Woods are the perfect place for lots of fun! There is hiking, fishing, climbing, and lots more, too!

There are, of course, many different types of trees in the forest. There are oak trees, there are fir trees, there are beech trees, there are birch trees, and many more, too.

The Vienna Woods are also home to many wild animals. There are deer, badgers, foxes, wild pigs and even snakes and beetles, too.

The Vienna Woods have something for everyone!


Badger - Dachs
Beech trees – Buche
beetle - Kaifer
birch – Birke
climbing – Klettern
deer – das Wild
fir tree – Fichte / Tanne
fox - Fuchs
heart – Herz
hiking - Wandern
lots – viel/viele
many more – viele mehr
more than – mehr als
oak trees - Eichen
snake - Schlange
square kilometres – Quadrat Kilometres
there are – es sind
there is – es gibt
Viennese – Wiener
wild pigs – Wild Schwein


Why do the Viennese love the Vienna Woods?
How big are the Vienna woods?
Do palm trees grow in the Vienna Woods?
Which animals live in the Vienna Woods?
Why do you enjoy going to the Vienna Woods?
Are there any snakes in the Vienna Woods?
What are your favourite wild animals?

The First Republic of Austria

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The First Republic of Austria

The First Republic of Austria was proclaimed on the 12th of November, 1918. It lasted until shortly before the 2nd World War. The first republic was a very hard time.

There was poverty, mass unemployment and hunger. Things were very bad and in 1934 there was a short civil war.

But, the First Republic was not only bad. In the 1920s and 1930s very many schools, hospitals and good social housing projects were built.

The First Republic was hard! But, the Second Republic is perfect. Austria is now one of the nicest and happiest countries in the world!


apartment - Wohnung
civil warBürgerkrieg
hunger - Hunger
lasted - Dauerte (last/lasted/lasted)
proclaimed - ausgerufen (proclaim/proclaimed/proclaimed)
shortly before - kurz vorher
social housing projects - Gemeindebauten
still is - noch immer
were builtwurde gebaut
world warWeltkrieg

Questions and Points

When was the First Republic proclaimed?
For how long did it last?
Why were the people unhappy?
What was built in the 1920s and 1930s?
Why was life hard in the First Republic of Austria?
Why is life easy now?

LEXISPOT - 3 - EASY - Florentine is feeding her pets!

 Please click here for full audio/visual page.

Florentine is feeding her pets. She has a goldfish, a tortoise, and a very big hairy baboon. Florentine gives her goldfish a worm, her tortoise a carrot, and her big hairy baboon has fried fish and chips for his supper. Florentine loves feeding her pets.

baboon -
feeding -
fried fish and chips -
hairy -
pet(s) -
tortoise -


How many pets has Florentine got?
Which pet gets a worm for its dinner?
And, which pet gets a carrot for its dinner?
What does the big hairy baboon have for his supper?
What do cats like for dinner?
What do worms eat for breakfast?
And, what do you have for breakfast?

Anita and Josef

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Picture - Traunsee by Nigel A JAMES

Josef and Anita

Josef and Anita live in Upper Austria in the little village of Oberweiss. Oberweiss is near Gmunden.

Gmunden, which lies directly on the Traunsee, is a beautiful little town at the foot of the Traunstein. The Traunstein is one of Austria's most beautiful and impressive mountains. The the Traunsee is one of Austria's most beautiful alpine lakes,

But, Gmunden isn't only famous for its impressive surroundings, it is also well known for its pottery. The Gmunden Pottery. And, the Gmunden pottery's  dinner service with its green and white design is   popular in Austria.   Every Austrian family has one!

Josef and Anita are very happy where they live. They have beautiful mountains, bracing mountain air, crisp mountain water, and the best of fresh mountain food!

What could be better?


Austrian - Österreichisch
bracing - belebend
crisp - frisch
dinner service - Service
foot - Fuss
impressive – beeindruckend
isn't – is not
lake - See
lies - liegt (lie/lay/lain )
live - (live/lived/lived)
pottery – Keramikwerk
surroundings - Umgebung
village - Dorf
well known - sehr bekannt

Where is Oberweiss?
What is the Traunstein?
Is Gmunden near the Traunsee?
What is Gmunden famous for?
What does every Austrian family have?
Have you ever been to Gmunden?
Why are Anita and Josef happy?
Do you know anyone who lives in Oberweiss?

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