Lexmatica – Mike Hadere

Mike Hadere is 25 years old. He is a very good skier. He comes from Tenths in Vorarlberg. He started skiing when he was only 3 months old. That was 22 years ago. Now, he is a member of the Austrian skiing team. Mike Hadere is a very good ski-jumper. At home, Mike has 25 golds on his wall. Now, Mike Hadere lives in Dornbirn. A little village in Vorarlberg.


ago …...........................................
at home …....................................
live(s) …......................................
member …...................................
ski-jumper …...............................
village ….....................................

How old is Mike Hadere?
Where does Mike come from?
When did Mike start skiing?
Is Mike a member of the Austrian skiing team?
Is Mike a down-hill skier or a ski-jumper?
How many golds has Mike on his wall?
Where does Mike Hadere live now?

Lake Balaton

Lake Balaton in Hungary is Europe's biggest lake. It is 77 kilometres long and 14 kilometres wide. Balaton is a magnate for tourists. With its high quality water and sub-Mediterranean climate, Lake Balaton is the perfect place for a perfect family holiday. The water is safe, the food is great, and the people are very, very friendly!

Lake Balaton is more than just splashing and fun. It has a wonderful cycle track for those who love cycling.  There are many other sporting activities, too.

Lake Balaton is an area of outstanding beauty, history and culture. There are very many interesting things to experience. The choice is enormous. But, most of all, Lake Balaton is a place to relax and take life as it comes.

Lake Balaton. Europe's biggest lake.

The Tram from Vienna to Oslo

There is a tram that goes from Vienna to Oslo. The D Tram. The D tram departs from St. Stephen's Cathedral at 7 every evening and arrives in Oslo at 8 the next morning. This is a very special tram. Many people travel on it. There is dinner at 8, and at 9 is a film. Of course, everyone has a comfortable bed. And, fried eggs and fish are for breakfast. A typical Norwegian breakfast.

Breakfast is served and cooked by Olga. A friendly Norwegian lady from Oslo. But, of course, the tram has a driver. His name is Fritz and he comes from Vienna.


arrives – kommt an
breakfast – Frühstück
centre of town – Stadt Zentrum
comfortable – bequem
depart – fährt ab
evening – Abend
fried egg – Spiegel Ei
goes -(go/went/gone) – fährt
Norwegian – Norwegisch
of course – natürlich
St. Stephen's Cathedral – Stephans Dom
tram – Straßenbahn
travel – (travel/traveled/traveled) - reisen
Vienna – Wien


Where is St. Stephen's Cathedral?
From where does the tram depart?
Who cooks breakfast?
What is served for breakfast?
Who is the driver?
When does the tram leave Vienna?
When does it arrive in Oslo?
Why would you like to go on this tram?

And, now the text once again!


Dustbins have many different shapes. There are square ones, round ones, and small ones as well. But, dustbins are only called dustbins in England. In America they are trash-cans. In Scotland, Wales and Ireland they are called buckets. But, dustbins all over the world have 3 things in common.

They smell and are dirty and are full of nice food for the cats, rats and foxes that come in the night.

Dustbins have many different sizes and shapes. What shape is yours?



as well - auch
dustbin - trash-can/bucket – Misttonne
fox – Fuchs
means – bedeutet
one – ein/e
round – rund
rubbish – mist

shape – Form
source – Quelle
square – quadrat

there are – es sind
there is – es gibt
without them – ohne sie

Questions and Points

1 Why are dustbins important?
2 Why are all dustbins the same?
3 Where is your dustbin?
4 Why is your dustbin so big?
5 Why do foxes and rats like dustbins?
6 Where are dustbins called dustbins?
7 Where are dustbins called buckets?

Hilary Benson - The Dustbin Girl from London

Click here to continue  
Text - English and German


Hilary Benson – The Dustbin Girl from London

Hilary Benson lives in a dustbin in London.
Hilary Benson lebt in einer Mülltonne in London.
There are three beautiful trees in her garden.
In ihrem Garten stehen drei wunderschöne Bäume.
A nut tree, an apple tree, and a money tree.
Ein Nussbaum, einen Apfelbaum,und einen Geldbaum.
And, Hilary Benson's garden shed is full of apples and nuts.
Und der Gartenschuppen von Hilary Benson ist voller Äpfel und Nüsse.
But, sadly no money.
Aber leider kein Geld.
A little sparrow comes every day and steals all the money.
Ein kleiner Spatz kommt jeden Tag und stiehlt das ganze Geld.
He then takes it to Dublin and buys apples and nuts.
Dann bringt er es nach Dublin und kauft Äpfel und Nüsse.
And, what does he do with the apples and nuts?
Und was macht er mit den Äpfeln und Nüssen?
He wraps them up in nice paper and sends them to Hilary for Christmas.
Er packt sie in schönes Papier ein und schickt sie zu Weihnachten an Hilary.
What a nice little Sparrow!
Was für ein netter kleiner Spatz!

Vocabulary -
apple – Apfel
dustbin – Mistkübel
garden shed - Gartenhut
money - Geld
nice – schön
nut - Nuss
sadly – traurigerweise
sparrow – Spatz
steals – (steal/stole/stolen) - stehlen
takes – (take/took/taken) - nehmen
wraps them up – packt sie ein.
And – now the text once again!

Where does Hilary Benson live?
How many trees are there in her garden?
Who steals the money from the money tree?
Where does the sparrow take all the money?
What does the little sparrow buy with the money?
What does the little sparrow do with apples and nuts that he buys?
Have you got a money tree in your garden?

Hilary Benson's Street in London

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...