Arthur Miller


Arthur Miller was one of America's greatest playwrights. He was born in New York in 1915.

Arthur Miller wrote his first play, The Villain, whilst studying at the University of Michigan. And then, after graduating, he started his careerer as a playwright. His most famous works were All My Sons, The Death of a Salesman and After the Fall.

Arthur Miller won many prizes for his work.

Arthur Miller was married three times. His first wife was Mary Slattery, his second Marilyn Monroe, and his third wife was Inge Morath.

Arthur Miller died at the age of 89 in 2005.


died – starb
famous – berühmt
graduating – graduieren
married – heiratet
playwright – Dramatiker
whilst – während
wife - Ehefrau


Where was Arthur Miller born?
Where did Arthur Miller study?
Which play did Arthur Miller write at university?
Which three plays are Arthur Miller's most famous?
Who was Arthur Miller's second wife?
When did Arthur Miller die?

The Cutty Sark


The Cutty Sark is a British clipper. She was built in Glasgow on the River Clyde in Scotland in 1869. She was used for transporting cargo between Great Britain and Australia. She mainly carried tea, coalwooljute, and castor oil.

At her height, the Cutty Sark was one of the fastest clippers in the world. She won many prizes for speed!

In 1895, her days of sailing were over and she became a training ship for naval cadets.

Nowadays, the Cutty Sark is a museum ship and can be seen and visited in Greenwich, London.

The ship was named after the witch in Tam O'Shanter, a famous poem by the Scottish poet Robert Burns.

Vocabulary – Wortschatz - Szokincs
carried (to carry/carried/carried) - transportieren /fördern - szallitas
castor oil – Rizinusöl - ricinusöl
clipper – Klipper gyorsvitorlas
coal – Kohle szen
height – Höhepunkt - tetopont
jute – Jute - jute
mainly – hauptsächlich -föleg
nowadays – Heutzutage mostanaban
poem – Gedicht - vers
poet – Dichter - költö
speed Geschwindigkeit - sebesseg
Transporting – fördern - szallitas
witch – Hexe - boszorkany
wool – Wohle - gyapju

Where was the Cutty Sark built?
When was she built?
What did she mainly carry?
What was the Cutty Sark at her height?
What did the ship become in 1895?
What is the Cutty Sark now?
Where is she now?
Who is the Cutty Sark named after?

Donkey Riding


Donkey Riding

There is nothing more English than a fine English beach. And, donkey rides on the beach are great fun for kids.

Children love donkeys. Donkeys love children. But why?

Children love donkeys because donkeys are gentle and slow. Donkeys love children because children are happy and sweet.

Donkeys love sugar lumps and carrots. Carrots and sugar lumps taste very good.

Donkeys are donkeys and children are children. Children love sugar lumps, too!


Do donkeys like carrots?

Do you like carrots?

Do donkeys like sugar lumps?

Do you like riding donkeys?

Do you like ice cream?

Why do children like donkeys?

Toorington People - Karli Freund

  Karli Freund Karli Freund is a  carpenter,  He works with wood. Karli Freund  needs  many  different  t ools  for his work. He needs  saws...