Lexispot 5 - Simon McCoon is Having a Party!

Simon McCoon

Hello, where is Simon McCoon?
He's at home in his very big house.
And, what is he doing?
Simon McCoon is having a party. It's his birthday today.
And, what did he get?
Simon McCoon got a brand new red bike from his parents, a book about fishing from his brother, and a pair of old socks full of holes from his sister.
Simon McCoon has a nice little sister.
Happy birthday, Simon McCoon.

a pair -
about -
at home -
birthday -
brand new -
nice little sister -
parents -

Where is Simon McCoon?
What is Simon McCoon doing?
Why is Simon McCoon having a party?
What did Simon McCoon get from his parents?
Has Simon McCoon got a nice little sister?
What did she give him for his birthday?
What did Simon McCoon get from his brother?


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