Toorington Life 5 - Sport's Day

A Toorington boy catching a pigeon for lunch

We have had a beer at the pub, we have gone to St. Paul's, we have been down to the farm, and we have had a hard day at school. Today we are staying at school.  It's Sport's Day.

Sport's Day is held at the end of the summer term.  Sport's Day is fun. The children love it and the parents love it as well. 

Sport's Day consists of 5 or 6 races.  The most popular race is the egg and spoon race. Each child must race with a spoon with an egg in it. It is not allowed to hold the egg. If the egg falls to the ground, the child is out. The distance of the race is 25 metres.  The winner is the first child over the finishing line.

The sack race is also a very popular race. The children must climb into a potatoe sack and race to the finishing line. This race is really good fun.  Stumbling and falling and laughing and screaming.  Very good fun.

Other games include the hula hoop race, the tug of war, and the skipping race.

Sport's Day is a wonderful end to the school year. The summer holidays are here.  School breaks up for the summer.

Summer is a wonderful time in Toorington. Next week we are going to the vicar's for afternoon tea.


summer term / winter term / spring term / autumn term



finishing line


school breaks up



What is Sport's Day?

Are parents allowed to come to the Sport's Day?

Why is Sport's Day good fun?

Please describe the egg and spoon race!

Please tell us about the sack race!

What is the tug of war?

Do the children win prizes?

What is Sport's Day like in your country?


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