Lexi Spots - Florentine's Interesting Box!

Lexispot – Florentine 008

Florentine's Interesting Box

Florentine has a beautiful room. And, under her bed is a very big box. And, in this very big box are three interesting things. A soft white feather from an American goose, a beautiful diamond on a long golden chain, and a small hairy spider that speaks Japanese.

And, what does little Florentine do every night? She reads Eric the spider a Japanese story.


American -
America -
beautiful -
box -
chain -
feather -
goose – (1 goose / 2 geese)
hairy -
interesting -
Japanese -
reads – I read/you read/he, she, it reads/ we read, you read, they read
soft -
spider -
speaks – I speak/you speak/he,she,it speaks/ we speak, you speak, they speak
swan -


What is under Florentine's bed?
What is in Florentine's box?
Is the feather red and short?
Did the feather come from a swan?
Is the diamond on a short silver chain?
Does the small hairy spider speak English?
What is under your bed?

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