Toorington 002 - Rachel HALL


People arriving in Toorington for a drink at the Queen's Head

 Rachel Hall is the landlady of the Queen's Head; Toorington's pub. Rachel Hall is a very popular lady. Ray, as she is known, is no longer young. Somewhere between 60 and 80. But, Rachel Hall is a very distinguished lady. A timeless lady of very fine taste.

But, Ray isn't only charming and nice. Ray can be very strict, too. There is no misbehaving at the Queen's Head.

And, where is Ray now? Ray is working behind the bar. And, what is Ray doing? Ray is pulling a pint for the Vicar of Toorington. Bruce is his name. And, Bruce is one of Ray's regulars.


Landlady / Landlord -

somewhere -

no -

misbehaving – behaving -

behaviour -

strict -

pulling a pint -

Distinguished -


Who is the Landlady of the Queen's Head in Toorington?

Please describe Ray.

Is Ray always nice?

Does everyone always behave in the Queen's Head?

What is Ray doing now?

For whom is Ray pulling a pint?

Is there a church in Toorington?

Is the church Roman Catholic or Church of England?

What is your poison?

This round is mine!

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