Bruce - The Vicar of Toorington


People on their way to Church

Bruce is the Vicar of Toorington. He is a popular man. Bruce is married to Margret; they have two grown up daughters and 4 grandchildren.  Bruce and Margret live in the vicarage. 

Toorington's Church is a beautiful Norman Church. It is very old. St. Paul's Church was built about 800 years ago.

Every Sunday, Bruce stands in the pulpit and preaches a sermon. Always wonderful words. Everyone loves Bruce's sermons.

St. Paul's Church in Toorington is well known for its Norman architecture. Its arches and its nave are very, very special.

The congregation of St. Paul's is also very interesting. Old and young. Andrew Roberts, a local Farmer, is one of the congregation's oldest members. Andrew Roberts has never missed a Sunday.


Grown up -

popular -

Norman -

pulpit -

to preach -

well known -

architecture -

arches -

nave -

congregation -


Who is Bruce married to?

What is Bruce's wife's name?

How many children have Bruce and Margret?

What is a nave?

What is a pulpit?

Where does Bruce do in the pulpit?

Is Bruce a good preacher?

What is St. Paul's Church well known for?

Who is Andrew Roberts?

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