Toorington Life - Andrew Roberts


The Hills of Devonshire

Toorington is a little village in Devonshire; a county in the south west of England. Toorington life is its people. Rachel Hall, the landlady of the Queen's Head, Bruce, the Vicar of St.Pauls, and, today, we're getting to know Andrew Roberts.

Andrew Roberts is a farmer. His farm, Cherry Tree Farm, is a very big farm. Cherry Tree Farm is a dairy farm. And, Andrew Roberts has a very big herd of cows.

Andrew Roberts has 500 Guernsey Cows. Guernsey cows are famous for two things. Their yield and the very good taste of their milk. Both very important.

Andrew Roberts produces milk, yoghurts, whipped cream, and Cheddar Cheese. All very tasty products. Andrew's cows are happy cows. They are outside in the field all year round. Whatever the weather. Only the pigs are inside.

Of course, Andrew isn't alone. He has a wife and three children. Two boys and one girl. The boys are 14 and 15, and his daughter is 9. His sons help on the farm. 

 Judith, Andrew's wife, has a job. Judith is a teacher at the primary school.

Next time, we're going to the school!


Dairy farm -

herd of cows –

famous -

tasty -

outside -

inside -

arable -

teacher -

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What is Andrew's job?

What is the name of Andrew's farm?

What kind of farm is Andrew's farm?

How big is Andrew's herd?

What kind of cow's does Andrew keep on his farm?

Where do Andrew's cows live?

Are Andrew's cows always outside?

Which animals live inside?

How many dogs has Andrew?

What are Andrew's main products?

How many sons and daughters Andrew?

What is Judith's job?

Does Andrew's daughter help on the farm or in the kitchen?

Verbs – to milk, to feed, to help, to teach, to cook, to bake TOORINGTON 005

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